How to Post your Accommodation

This Forum is just visible for Property Owner
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Main Sport: Kitesurfing
Location: Belgium
Homespot: Oostende
Favorite Spot: Viana do Castelo
Favorite Brand: Eleveight
Kite-Range: WS6, WS8, RS10, RS17
How to Post your Accommodation

Post by Fabian »

Welcome to the "Draft for Property Owner" forum! This space is dedicated to individuals who wish to list their apartments, houses, or accommodations. Please note that this forum is not publicly visible, allowing you to create your listing in peace before I or one of my moderators move it to the main accommodation forum.

When you create a new topic, you will automatically see the template below.
This template is meant to assist you in creating your listing. Simply delete the instructions marked with "<-- Read and Delete" and replace them with your own text.

Code: Select all

"Provide a catchy and descriptive title for your holiday flat. <-- Read and Delete"

"Specify the exact location of the flat (e.g., city, neighbourhood, proximity to landmarks).<-- Read and Delete"

"Provide a detailed description of the flat, including its unique features and amenities.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Number of Bedrooms:[/u][/b]
"Indicate the number of bedrooms available.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Number of Bathrooms:[/u][/b]
"Specify the number of bathrooms.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Maximum Occupancy:[/u][/b]
"State the maximum number of guests that can stay in the flat.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Price per Night:[/u][/b]
"Mention the price per night in GBP.<-- Read and Delete"

"Provide the availability dates for the flat.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Minimum Stay:[/u][/b]
"Indicate if there is a minimum stay requirement.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Facilities and Amenities:[/u][/b]
"List all the facilities and amenities available (e.g., Wi-Fi, kitchen, parking, pool, etc.).<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Nearby Attractions:[/u][/b]
"Describe any nearby attractions, activities, or points of interest.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Public Transport:[/u][/b]
"Detail the public transport options available near the flat.<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]House Rules:[/u][/b]
"List any house rules or restrictions (e.g., no smoking, no pets).<-- Read and Delete"

[b][u]Contact Information:[/u][/b]
"Provide your contact details (e.g., phone number, email address) for potential guests to reach you.<-- Read and Delete"

"Upload high-quality photos of the flat, including each room and key amenities.<-- Read and Delete"