[Benelux] Spot Overview

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Main Sport: Kitesurfing
Location: Belgium
Homespot: Oostende
Favorite Spot: Viana do Castelo
Favorite Brand: Eleveight
Kite-Range: WS6, WS8, RS10, RS17
[Benelux] Spot Overview

Post by Fabian »

Please find attached a breakdown of spots in Benelux (Netherland, Belgium and Luxembourg). I'll do my best to gradually add as many spots as possible with detailed information. In addition to the already available spot information, you'll find a comprehensive overview of spots in the Global Spot Overview.

Missing a spot? No problem, just reply or please just reach out to me by Email.

North Sea Belgium:
1. Strand van Wenduine

North Sea Netherlands:
1. Ouddorp (NEW)
2. Strand Maasvlakte

1. Workum
2. Mirnser Kliff
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