[Portugal] eMTB Routes - Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais

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Main Sport: Kitesurfing
Location: Belgium
Homespot: Oostende
Favorite Spot: Viana do Castelo
Favorite Brand: Eleveight
Kite-Range: WS6, WS8, RS10, RS17
[Portugal] eMTB Routes - Parque Natural de Sintra-Cascais

Post by Fabian »

Burros Trail Complete
Distance: 5.6 km
Climb: 0 m
Descent: -352 m
Avg time: 18min
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate / Blue Square

Malveira Stage 2-4 Trail
Distance: 1.1 km
Climb: 0 m
Descent: -130 m
Avg time: 00:03:11
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate / Blue Square and Easy / Green Circle

Home Trail
Distance: 1.8 km
Climb: 1 m
Descent: -208 m
Avg time: 00:09:21
Difficulty Rating: Intermediate / Blue Square

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